Friday, July 18, 2008

Leather and Lace

Just wanted to do a quick blog about a fabulous fashion show that my friends put on at the Firerock Bar in the Westin. I was there with my camera!
The theme was Leather and Lace and all the models were local girls.. no shortage of beautiful women in Whistler.
Anyway it was put of by Sharai and the Cooney sisters. It was a huge success!

Here are some images!


 I never know how to start these things off..  yes I am getting better or am I just rolling through it better?
 This blog of mine is all about my WEBSITE! update! If you haven't see it!
 Yee ha I am happy with my website for the first time in a while. I have updated now to a very user friendly state where you the viewer can simply play a slide show to browse through my work or you can use the search feature by entering keywords to search through hundreds of images... soon to be thousands!

 I am a user of the service to build my site. It works for what I need and want. I have nothing to compare it too, this one just kinda came to me when I was looking and I love that I have total control over the entire site, especially managing my images.
 The Image Archive will be open to public access for the first little bit so I encourage you to create an account within my site so that future updates to my image archive will be viewable by you as they happen. I hope that as you navigate through my site and review my images  you will provide me with some feedback on your experiences or just comment on my work.

Heres to WEBSITES!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Second Posting!

I am writing my blog.. yea!
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately and its because I am a blogger too! Yes I am! I have embraced this great technology to publish my thoughts and actions.. a bit like an online diary, just without all the lovey dovey stuff.. like who I have a crush on.
I am starting to feel this thing we call a blog.. it can be anything I want.. as we work and live further from each other each day and just our plain ol' busy lifestyles, this blog stuff has helped to bridge the gap between me and you the reader... my client, collegue, peer, friend and of coures the unknown reader and potential future client. My way to give you updates as to what I am up to and doing or what I am into.. like what I think is cool and just want to share it with you... wow the possibilities.. 

I guess you like blogs too!

My news to tell you is to look at my facebook photos for new images, that is the last place I uploaded new images. I put them up there to make it easier for the talent to view them and everyone loves facebook! Are we friends yet?
I am updating my main site almost hourly right now, I am stoked on getting it up and running with all of it's search capibilities and larger file browser/viewer. You should check it out and drop me a line with a comment.
I am also a new user of Photoshelter , a new photographer run stock agency. You should bookmark this site now. If your a buyer go here often. If you a photographer than go sign up now and start selling.
While I am on this topic I also have images in the Allsport archive (un linkable) sold through Getty-Images. Allsport photographers were the shit! If you don't already know.. Allsport was bought by Getty back in 98' and most of the shooters are still around freelancing, working for S.I. and Getty and the likes.. I only got the pleasure of working with a few of them and I still cherish those times. The learning experiences and the social! Ahh memories.

I am getting excited for the coming summer.. too bad about the price of gas!
I have begun to organize all the little scraps of papers that I have all my shot sketches and shoot lists together into one big 3-ring binder. I can glue the scraps onto lined paper and add tear sheets. Let hope this helps me to keep them organized and ready to use when I need them.
I am a big beliver in making list and sketches to help in making good pictures. I contantly get bombarded with shot ideas and images that I want to create and I end up sketching it out and writing a shout description of the type of shot it is and now when I show up on set or need to convay my artistic idea accross to a model or client.. I have my sketches and shot list. Very pro!
Best part about having the list at the shoot is that you know what you need and you can move through your shoot more fluidily when it is planned.. shure you have to leave time for the inpromt shot or something that just happens... thats the best part of shooting pictures. So if your not in the practice of making list but you shoot stock I highly recomend you start your list now... first on the list.."start shot list/book"

Thanks for reading .. go back about your buisness and I will tell you something cool soon!